Assalamu alaikum dear Friends.
Yesterday i read some suggestion words for HIJAB from abnormal reporter from local RSS minded News Paper in Whatsapp.
I am greatly honored to be given the chance to give my views on this topic of Hijab.
Is the word of Prophet Muhammad SAW and I believe its good to give dawah to our fellow Muslims so as to learn from each other.
Jazakallahu khairan. May Allah reward you abundantly.
As Muslims, we are supposed to dress decently. Yes, sometimes we are criticized, called terrorists because of our hijabs, but that doesn't matter as long as we are on the right path and doing what our Rabb ordered us to do.
Our sisters are feel absolutely comfortable in their hijab knowing that she can go out completely dressed, not exposing her awrah to those people out there. Other times she being criticized and people call her “old fashioned” because she refuse to follow man-made fashion.
Hijab is not a fashion item, as it is meant to protect her,
so why wear tight jeans and small tops and confuse the real meaning of hijab? There are beautiful jilbabs that you can wear and still look modest.
Dear sisters in Islam don’t let these Westerners fool u. They are finding all possible things to tarnish the images of us,
Wearing hijab doesn't just mean you have to wear a piece of cloth over your head. There’s much more to it.
Therefore dear sisters, Keep being you. Be the strong Muslim woman. Hold unto your deen and In sha Allah, Allah will guide us through. Aameen...
Abu Muhammad Ayan